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Server Virtualization Services

Modern computing devices are often capable of much more than they are deployed to do. You can maximize the usefulness of your networked devices without investing in more hardware through server virtualization from J and J Technical Services.

What Is Server Virtualization Services?

Server virtualization is the practice of creating a virtual server hosted on an actual server. In fact, more than one virtual server may be hosted on a single (hardware) server, giving you the processing power of multiple machines, and that results in faster network performance.

Benefits of Server Virtualization Services

The major benefit of server virtualization is cost savings. Instead of investing in multiple pieces of hardware and the power it takes to run and cool them, you can have multiple servers running on the same machine.

In addition to cost-efficiency, server virtualization can improve your network performance and provide a layer of redundancy so that your data is more readily accessible.

Implementing Server Virtualization at Your Site

The IT professionals at J and J Tech in Albuquerque, NM, can implement server virtualization at your business. We handle everything, including:

  • Hardware recommendations
  • Software recommendations
  • Server virtualization configuration
  • Migrating systems and files to new virtual servers

You may also opt to utilize our elevated cloud hosting services to completely eliminate the expense of hardware acquisition and maintenance. Contact us to learn more about options available through virtualization technology.

J and J Technical Services in Albuquerque, NM can increase network assets without new hardware. Call (505) 219-1694 to learn more about server virtualization options!


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